A Study on Social Economical Status Related towards Schizophrenia and Mood Disorder Patients


  • Nitin Kamble Social Worker, Maharashtra Institute of Mental Health (MIMH0 Pune, India
  • Pooja Khandizod Social Worker, Maharashtra Institute of Mental Health (MIMH0 Pune, India
  • Shrikant Pawar Assistant Professor, Maharashtra Institute of Mental Health (MIMH0 Pune




Introduction: Schizophrenia can be defined as a serious mental disorder with some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that prejudices daily functioning, and can be disabling.Mood disorders can cause changes in your behavior and can affect your ability to deal with routine activities, such as work or school. (Woodruff Jr, R. A., Murphy, G. E., &Herjanic, M. (1967)).Anyone can feel sad or depressed at times .Children, teens, or adults who have a parent with a mood disorder have a greater chance of also having a mood disorder These life events and stress can bring on feelings of sadness or depression or make a mood disorder harder to manage.Method:In present study researcher adopted a Simple Random Sampling   Method was used. A comparative  study was conducted to assess different outcome in schizophrenia and mood disorder.the data collection was done on 120 patients.Result: Study results shows that schizophrenia patients are belonging from lower middle socioeconomic status and mood disorder patients are belonging from lower class and lower middle class. the socioeconomic status of schizophrenia and mood disorder patient’s different socioeconomic status in geographical area there is significant difference found in rural and urban area; rural area socioeconomic status is good compared to urban area and have good quality of life of rural area patients compare to urban area it shows there is good prognostic factors of rural area patient because have good socioeconomic status and quality of life. The socioeconomic status and quality of life schizophrenia and mood disorder patient have interdependent on each other if their socioeconomic status is good it improve / reflect good quality of life.Conclusion: There is a slightly difference in socio economic status and quality of life of the schizophrenia and mood disorder patients. There is statistically no any significant difference in a both groups.

Keywords:- Schizophrenia, mood disorder, socio economic status




How to Cite

Kamble, N. ., Khandizod, P. ., & Pawar, S. (2022). A Study on Social Economical Status Related towards Schizophrenia and Mood Disorder Patients. National Journal of Professional Social Work, 23(2), 183–190. https://doi.org/10.51333/njpsw.2022.v23.i2.531



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