People’s Awareness on Municipal Council in Aizawl
With the increase and growth of urbanisation decentralisation of power to urban local bodies had become a major policy initiative of the Indian Government. Mizoram had undergone rapid urbanisation and according to 2011 Census more than half (52.11%) of the total population resides in urban areas. Aizawl, the capital of Mizoram is home to more than one-third of the total population. Through the enactment and enforcement of the 74th Constitutional Amendment, Aizawl Municipal Council was formed in 2008 which was upgraded to Corporation in 2015 by the Fourth Amendment of the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007. The concept of Municipal Council administration is very new to the citizens of Mizoram. This paper attempts to probe into the awareness of people on Aizawl Municipal Council among 134 households in two localities namely Bungkawn representing high level development locality and Zemabawk representing low level of development.
Keywords: Urban governance, Municipal Council, Aizawl Municipal Council, awareness
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