Quality of Life and Family Burden of Parents with Intellectual Disability in North Bihar, India
Background: Intellectual impairment is a non-curable and non-treatable illness. It has so many physical and psychological issues for individuals with intellectual impairment as well as for their families. In the review, it has been found that these parents who have children with intellectual impairment experienced a high level of stress due to this disability and they also had issues in many psychosocial aspects such as quality of life, family burden etc. Objective: To assess the relationship between intellectual functioning, family burden and quality of life of parents of children with intellectual impairment. Methods: A total of a group of 240 participants (120 children with intellectual impairment and 120 equally divided parents of the children) was selected in the study. Design: A cross-sectional study was designed and the study was conducted at a daycare centre of a non-governmental registered organization, Muzaffarpur, Bihar. Tools: Seguin Form Board Test (for children), WHO Quality of Life (BREF) Scale and Family Burden Schedule (for parents of the children) were used. Results and conclusion: It has been found that both parents either mother or father showed an equal level of quality of life and family burden. There is the non-significant difference was seen between parents of children with a low level of intellectual functioning.
Keywords: Intellectual functioning, Impairment, Quality of Life, Family Burden, Parents
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