Psychosocial Intervention Needs and Quality of Life among Person with Schizophrenia Attending Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinic
Background: Schizophrenia and related disorders are commonly associated with impairment in socio-occupational functions. Various unmet needs are common in persons with schizophrenia. There is a need to address these unmet needs of the patients through a range of psychosocial interventions besides the medicine for better outcomes. Objective: To identify the psychosocial intervention needs of individuals with schizophrenia and its correlation with the quality of life. Materials & Method: This was a cross-sectional study that assessed the unmet needs and quality of life of 26 persons with schizophrenia (F20.0-20.9 as per the ICD-10) coming to Out Patient Department (OPD) of the Department of Psychiatry, Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh consecutively. Results: The various areas of high-unmet needs identified by patients were - self-care, daytime activities and company of other people followed by information on condition and treatment. There was a significantly lower mean was reported in the environment domain and psychological domain. Conclusion: There are various unmet psychosocial intervention needs of persons with schizophrenia attending the psychiatric outpatient clinic were reported which comprehensive psychosocial intervention service.
Keywords: Schizophrenia, quality of life, psychosocial needs
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