Relationship between Coping Strategies and Emotion Regulation among Persons with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Coping Strategies, Emotion RegulationAbstract
Background: OCD is one of the most debilitating and chronic mental health conditions where difficulties in emotion regulation and coping strategies are found. Emotion regulation is a diverse collection of the control process to express emotion, whereas coping emphasizes on appraisal to evaluate threats and challenges. The present study attempts to measure the relationship between emotion regulation and coping strategies in OCD. Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional, institution-based descriptive study on 60 persons with OCD, who has attended IOP, Kolkata, recruited through purposive sampling. Y-BOCS, BDI, ERQ, and CSI were administered respectively, and data was analyzed using SPSS 25. Results: It has emerged that the severity of OCD and coping strategies are positively correlated to self-criticism and wishful thinking. While analyzing the relation between emotion regulation and coping strategies, cognitive reappraisal was found to be positively correlated with cognitive restructuring, social withdrawal was negatively correlated with social support. It showed when emotion is regulated through expressive suppression it has negative relation with social support and expressed emotion, is positively correlated to social withdrawal and wishful thinking. Conclusion: The study reflected that persons with OCD face difficulties in regulating emotion leading to dysfunctional coping which can contribute knowledge to develop an intervention strategy.
Keywords: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Coping Strategies, Emotion Regulation
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