From uncertainty to solution: A narrative review on challenges of mental health professionals in India before, during and after the pandemic
Mental health, Community Health, SARS-CoV-2, Mental Health Services, ChallengesAbstract
The current study presents a comprehensive narrative review examining the challenges faced by mental health professionals in India during the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to COVID-19, India's mental health infrastructure was already under strain, characterized by a substantial treatment gap, scarcity of professionals, and a concentration of services in urban areas. The pandemic exacerbated these challenges, necessitating a swift transition to tele-counselling and online interventions, despite inherent limitations and ethical dilemmas. Increased cases of domestic violence, loneliness, and mood disorders during lockdowns highlighted the urgent need for effective mental health support. The paper discusses pre-existing issues such as stigma, lack of training institutes, and misconceptions about mental health in rural areas. It also explores innovative solutions, including the integration of spiritual and community leaders into mental health initiatives, to address the unique cultural context of India. The study underscores the urgent need for policy reforms, enhanced training, and collaborative approaches to bridge the treatment gap and ensure accessible mental health care in both urban and rural settings.
Keywords: Mental health, community health, pandemic, challenges
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