Covid-19: Implications for ascending suicide statistics among children
Summary: Worldwide, suicide among children is a major preventable public health problem. Currently, Covid-19 pandemic and its isolating effects of lockdown have harmfully affected the lives of numerous children. Many of the children took their lives during this crisis due to the various stressors stemmed from it and its rates are alarmingly increasing. It is a serious preventable psychosocial issue. However, it is often neglected and underestimated. There are very few studies directed towards this issue. The current study focuses on the significance of escalating incidents of suicidal behaviours among children during this pandemic for an urgent intervention. Methods: A narrative literature review is used. Findings: It revealed that various psycho-social stressors, during the prolonged home confinement and school closure, such as increased family conflicts, parental disputes, domestic violence and abuse, neglect, academic difficulties due to lack of online facilities and other pressures etc. might have lead to the onset or aggravation of various mental health problems including the extreme suicidal thoughts and behaviours among children. Applications: It is found that various risks and protective factors at individual, family and society levels are crucial and determining factors of suicidal behaviours among children. Thus, a multilevel intervention is very much required and this study attempt to propose it. As the suicide rates among children during this pandemic continue to arise, that should not be neglected. It should be taken very seriously and require imperative action by all stakeholders to prevent its irreversible impacts.
Keywords: Covid-19, pandemic, lockdown, children, suicide, suicidal behaviours
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